Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Srpska

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Srpska (CCIRS) is nongovernmental, professional and business organization, independent and non-profit public-legal association of economic entities and economic associations of the Republic of Srpska, formed by the Law on Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Srpska, published in Official Gazette no. 20, of December 30, 1992.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Srpska is a leading association of business subjects, organized as a unique chamber system based on five regional chambers located in Banja Luka, Doboj, Bijeljina, East Sarajevo and Trebinje. Chamber members are also connected through 15 branch associations.

Regular activities of the Chamber are focused on intensive communication with its members, business advisory services and presentation of business potential and existing capacities of the Republic of Srpska.

The Chamber has been a key partner of GIZ, USAID, EBRD and other donor organizations.
General program goals of CCIRS are:

  • Creating more favourable business environment within entire economy system;
  • Improving business cooperation through promotion of the economy of the Republic of Srpska in the country and abroad, thus preparing it for export;
  • Increasing competitiveness of chamber members through education and training programs, advisory services and informing;
  • Improving business and increasing efficiency of chamber activities.

The most important activities of CCIRS are representing interests before legislative and executive authorities while forming economic system, Chamber performs within preparations of economy legislation, measures and mechanisms of the economy system and measures of economic policy, also it provides objections and proposals to state administration bodies while making regulations of interest for the economy. The Chamber also organizes presentation at fairs, seminars on different economic topics, business missions, presentations and promotions, with primary aim of improving economy competitiveness and internationalization.

In order to satisfy the needs of members and improve business of the Chamber, the quality management system according to the ISO 9001:2015 standards was implemented and certified in the unique chamber system.

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