1. Cross-country analysis of the policies, practices, and legal frameworks for PT and SCHE in European countries
In this working package information about best practices in program countries regarding PT and SCHE will be collected and discussed. Partners from EU will lead this activity. In this working package current polices and legal frameworks for part-time studies and short-cycle studies will be analyzed, which will inform the development of the legal framework for part-time studies and short-cycle studies at BIH institutions. Participating universities from partner countries will visit program country during this action in order to get information and knowledge on PT and SCHE in EHE that are already established.
1.1. Analysis of policies, practices, and legal frameworks of PT and SCHE in European countries
Report on the state-of-the-art in PT and SCHE education across different program countries will be prepared. It will include the results of the survey of at least 15 PT and SCHE programs in HE from program countries in different sectors.
Analysis of policies, practices, and legal frameworks of PT and SCHE in European countries
1.2. Report from study visit in Slovenia
Report from study visit in Slovenia
1.3. Report from study visit in Estonia
Report from study visit in Estonia
2. Development of legal frameworks for PT&SCHE
In BiH a survey will be conducted and respondents will be all stakeholders in the project. They will be asked about different aspect of part-time and short-cycle studies, related to student needs, labour market, requirements of universities. The aim of this is to find out the current level of knowledge about this field and to provide additional information. Results of research will be presented and further elaborated during the round table discussion with all stakeholders. The consortium will develop proposals for change of legal framework in higher education in order to create legal base for introduction of PT and SCHE into higher education of involved cantons/entities.
Survey analysis (2.1) and round table discussion (2.2) will provide a base for draft the initial policies of the legal framework for implementation of PT and SCHE studies in BIH (2.3). Prepared draft will be presented at the conference and on the base of feedback from stakeholders the draft can be further improved (2.4). Based on the feedback final definition of the recommended policies will be given (2.5). Definition of draft legal framework will be prepared according to need of adoption for PT and SCHE (2.6.). Definition for accreditation criteria and accreditation procedure needed to accredit SCHE program in higher education institutions (2.7) will also be prepared.
2.1. Report with survey results
All stakeholders in BiH will be surveyed about needs and different aspects of part-time and short-cycle studies in BiH. The results of survey will be present in the form of report prepared for round table discussion in four languages.
Development of part-time and short cycle studies In higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2.2. Reports on round table discussion
Round table discussion that include all relevant stakeholders will contribute to higher quality of information and knowledge related to needs and challenges of implementation of part-time and short cycle studies. Outcome will be report which will consists of relevant opinions, useful suggestions and high quality recommendations.
Reports on round table discussion
2.3. Drafted policies for PT and SCHE
Drafted policies for part-time and short-cycle studies in BiH will be created based on the deliverables from work package 1 (WP 1) and activities 2.1 and 2.2 from work package 2 (WP 2).
Drafted policies for PT and SCHE
2.4. Conference report
Drafted policies of PT and SCHE deliverable form previous activity will be presented on the conference to the all stakeholders of project. The purpose of conference is to receive a feedback related to drafted policies from all relevant conference participants. Result of these activity will be report with proposals and recommendations developed during the conference.
2.5. Recommendation policies for PT&SCHE
Recommendation policies for part-time studies and short-cycle studies is based on previous activities of work-package 2 (WP2).
Recommendation policies for PT&SCHE ENG
Recommendation policies for PT&SCHE B&H
2.6. Drafted policies for part-time and short-cycle studies
The outcome of this activity will be the draft of the legal documents which are necessary for adoption of part-time and short-cycle studies in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. For implementation PT and SCHE programs in higher education institutions, the one of the most important step is definition and adoption legal documents in BiH by legal authorities.
Drafted policies for part-time and short-cycle studies ENG
Drafted policies for part-time and short-cycle studies B&H
2.7. Defined accreditation criteria
In order to enable the implementation of the part-time and short-cycle studies program in institutions of higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is necessary to define the accreditation criteria as well as the procedure for their accreditation. It is the intent of this activity to provide such criteria for short-cycle studies.
Defined accreditation criteria ENG
Defined accreditation criteria B&H
3. Strengthening sustainability of PT and SCHE program
In order to ensure sustainability of PT and SCHE program it is necessary to adopt eLearning technologies and pedagogical approaches. In order to implement some innovations (personalized e-learning) a specific authoring tool and eLearning platform must be developed. Activities included in this work package are related to analyses of needs and requirements of online part-time and short-cycle programs over existing European practices, analyses of suitable existing eLearning methodologies and technologies for PT and SCHE over existing European experience and good practice. Based on previous, proposing way of development and adoption of suitable eLearning technologies and methodologies in higher education institutions in BIH. The output of this work package will be the 3 pilot eLearning courses for PT and SCHE programs.
3.1. Specification of needs and requirements for PT and SCHE programs
The most important information, developing strategies, processes of assessment and experiences and good practices in the field of part-time and short-cycle programs in higher education will be presented in the report. Information included in report will be results of analysis of needs and requirements for online part-time and SCHE programs over existing European practices and principles for quality assurance in PT and SCHE.
Specification of needs and requirements for PT and SCHE programs ENG
Specification of needs and requirements for PT and SCHE programs B&H
3.2. Report on the existing eLearning methodologies and technologies
This activity is related to analyse of current good practice in Europe and existing e-learning methodologies and technologies for PT and SCHE over existing European experience and good practice. The very important source of information will be university staff and HE public authorities who will visit EU partners. Analysis and comparing of the exit policy level document at the institutional and national level used for accreditation of PT and SCHE study programs in HE provided by PR partner countries.
Report on the existing eLearning methodologies and technologies ENG
Report on the existing eLearning methodologies and technologies B&H
3.3. Specification of adopted eLearning technologies and methodologies
Development and adoption of suitable eLearning technologies and methodologies. In the focus will be the quality eLearning tools covering pedagogical, organizational and technical frameworks and their usability to national and institutional characteristics in BIH. University academic staff from BIH will explore developed international and EU benchmarking approach and its applicability to the national context.
3.4. Developed authoring tool
This activity is related to development of structured eLearning content and reusable authoring tool for course creators of PT and SCHE as service product and development of teaching material in a form of curricula and syllabi for pilot authoring group.
3.5. Developed eLearning platform
E-learning platform for online PT and SCHE will be developed based on the application of the latest technological and pedagogical achievement, including mobile eLearning and learning activity management conception. The pilot eLearning courses for PT and SCHE program will be developed.
4. Pilot implementation of distance learning PT and SCHE programs
With pilot implementation of the part-time (PT) and one short-cycle (SC) online programs, the project team aims to check feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed legal specification of PT and SH studies, as well as the proposed pedagogical and technological approaches to these studies. As it is expected that most of PT and SC learners to be adults, with different knowledge and skill levels, it is planned to offer online PT and SC programs that can support personalization of their learning paths. Learners will be able to choose (or to be advised to choose) the most needed learning objects, as components of online lessons of a course. With such flexibility, online lessons of PT and SH courses may be configured differently for different students according to their needs and current level of knowledge and skills. Integrating verification of new acquired knowledge and skill and configuration of next lesson (constrained by course syllabus and offered learning objects),
an adaptive e-learning process will be implemented. Using this adaptive e-learning process, we expect to optimize learning paths of each individual learner. Those with higher levels of knowledge and skills will progress faster as will get only learning objects with the knowledge they don’t have yet. They will have options to choose more advanced learning objects and reach higher knowledge and skill levels in order to create knowledge and skill portfolio most suitable for their existing or future jobs. On the other extreme, learners with low starting knowledge and skill levels will have the opportunity to choose needed learning objects with more basic knowledge, before working with standard and (optional) advanced learning objects. Their online lessons will be more appropriate for their learning paths, and they will progress with less effort as they will get appropriate and personalized learning materials. At the end of the first year implementations of pilot PT and SC programs, a survey of student opinions will be organized. Survey results and verification of the acquired new knowledge and skills of students (using tests, exams, and assignments) will demonstrate the effectiveness of adopted legal, pedagogical and technological approaches for PT and SC online study programs.
Univeresity of Mostar will be coordinating tasks 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3, while University of Tuzla will be engaged in coordinating 4.4. and 4.5. Besides Universities of Mostar and Tuzla, University of Sarajevo will also implement one on-line PT and SCHE.
4.1. Developed curricula and course syllabi
University of Mostar and Tuzla will prepare curricula for one PT program and one SCHE program. University of Mostar and Tuzla will prepare a curriculum for one online SCHE program. These curricula will be in line with deliverables 2.5 and 2.6. For each course a syllabus will be specified. In order to support personalization in e-learning. University of Mostar and Tuzla plan to specify a set of topics (to be later realized with learning objects) for each online lesson of a course, so that PT and SCHE students will be able to choose topics (i.e. learning objects) according to their learning needs, i.e., their current knowledge.
4.2. Developed eLearning materials
The most of work will be assigned to preparation of learning material for online courses for online PT and SCHE programs. For each course, online lessons needs to be prepared, developed and published. Depending of their previous knowledge and skill levels, students will have an option to choose learning objects for each online lesson. I this way, personalized lessons will be used in order to optimize learning paths of each student. Besides, adaptable lessons, students could choose also prepared online lessons with fixed content. E-learning materials will be offered in two forms: web-based, allowing interactive learning using web browsers, and equivalent e-learning material in PDF format.
4.3. Purchased and installed equipment
Computing equipment is necessary for implementation of planned five PT and SCHE programs. For face-to-face (F2F) programs (programming courses) classrooms equipped with PCs are needed. For implementation of online programs, appropriate server computer platform (HW & SW) is needed. Server equipment will provide adequate computing capacity for delivery of multimedia online courses planned for PT & SCHE programs. Other partners need the equipment to prepare the computing environment to support their PT &SCHE programs that will implement the results of this project.
4.4. Operational eLearning portal
E-learning portal provides all needed services to students of PT & SCHE online programs. Due to unique features, such as personalization of online lessons and usage of fine grain learning objects, a development work is necessary to provide such features. SW platform will combine open source SW components and specially developed components. HW platform needs to support many concurrent users of online multimedia learning materials, management of repository of learning objects, management of learning processes with verification points of new knowledge and skill and administrative services for students, professors, instructors, tutors and administration).
4.5. Report on implemented online PT and SCHE programs
The aim of these implementations is to test the concept of PT and SCHE studies proposed by the project and to analyze obtained results after one year of study. All programs will be in programming, and two partners plan to collaborate jointly developing some of courses. Verification of improvement of student’s knowledge and skill will be done after completion of each course, but also during the learning process of each course, in order to advise student when choosing learning objects for the next lesson. At the end of first year, a detail analysis of achieved learning outcomes will be realized in order to prepare a report on first implementations of online PT and SCHE programs. The report will also contain practical guidelines for PT and SCHE program and course designers, based on experience gained after the first year of their implementation.
5. Pilot implementation of F2F PT and SCHE programs
University of Zenica will work on curricula development based on previous experiences modified for specific needs of F2F type of education. University of Zenica will organize production teams, preproduction activities that assumes planning; production activities considering realization of audio, video and multimedia-interactive teaching material. University of Zenica will work on developing proper syllabus, organizing teaching facilities and staff.
University of Zenica and University of East Sarajevo will implement F2F PT and SCHE courses.
5.1. Developed curricula and course syllabi
Developed curricula and course syllabi based on previous experiences modified for specific needs of F2F type of PT and SCHE programs.
5.2. Developed teaching and learning materials
Organizing production teams, preproduction activities that assumes planning; production activities considering realization of audio, video and multimedia-interactive teaching material. Creation of learning and training material for specific model of study.
5.3. Report on implemented F2F PT and SCHE programs
Making of proper syllabus, organizing teaching facilities and staff.
This document provides the results of the analysis and summarizing of the individual HEIs reports on pilot testing across involved cantons and entities.
The aim of these implementations is to test the concept of PT and SCHE studies proposed by the project and to analyse obtained results after one year of study. All programs will be in programming, and two partners plan to collaborate jointly developing some of courses. Verification of improvement of student’s knowledge and skill will be done after completion of each course, but also during the learning process of each course, in order to advise student when choosing learning objects for the next lesson. At the end of first year, a detail analysis of achieved learning outcomes will be realized in order to prepare a report on first implementations of F2F PT and SCHE programs. The report will also contain practical guidelines for PT and SCHE program and course designers, based on experience gained after the first year of their implementation.
6. Dissemination and Exploitation of Results
The aim of dissemination is to bring project aims, benefits and results close to participants and stakeholders in the academic as well as non-academic world of the participating countries and beyond. The key goal of this WP is to raise awareness of all stakeholders of benefits of PARTISH which should ensure sustainability of project results end initiate development of dual study program across the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cantons and districts not involved in the project. Additionally, this will be a possibility to promote development of PT and SCHE programs. With help of non-academic partners (ministries and chambers of commerce) and associated partners, wide range of stakeholders will be reached with our dissemination activities and products.
This WP starts with project’s visual identity (project logo, motto and web site). Further on, different kinds of activities are considered: social media sites, participation at education fairs, presentations of specific model of PT and SCHE programs to college students, etc. The final dissemination report is to be prepared in last stages of the project. At the end, final conference will be organized with the aim of demonstration of achievements of the project and working out plans for the sustainability of project result.
6.1. Dissemination and exploitation plan
This document will contain the dissemination strategy and detailed description of all dissemination activities (time frame, responsibilities across project partners, distribution of financial funds, definition of a logo, organization of round tables, conferences, printing of promotion material, etc.). The D&E plan will assign individual roles for the maintenance of the PARTISH web site portal, preparation and dissemination of news articles and results for the national, regional and EU media, and it will choose the person to organize the opening and the final conference. On the other hand, the coordination and monitoring of the activities will be mutual.
Dissemination and exploitation plan
6.2. Promotional products
Visual identity of the project will be created and integrated into D&E plan: Project logo, project web site, project motto. Afterwards, all partners will organize dissemination events in their own contexts in order to raise public awareness of the PARTISH issues.
Attractive promotional products will be designed and used for raising awareness about PT and SCHE and PARTISH project.
The project website will disseminate information about the objectives of the project and its results (tools developed, reports, scientific research papers produced, flyers about the pilots, etc.).
The tools developed will be freely downloadable at the website via the output library. The website will be in English, Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian. It will be designed on the basis of D&E plan and it will contain all detail about the project and activities of consortium. Upcoming events and news will be announced at the website.
To reinforce the impact of the website and attract the attention of broader range of stakeholders (measured by number of unique visits), the website will be promoted by social media activities. Social media activities include a Facebook page for informal interaction with stakeholders and general public, a Facebook group for students participating in the pilot programmes, exchange with experts in LinkedIn professional groups, and Instagram page.
All partner institutions on their own websites will have links towards PARTISH website.
6.3. Interim and final dissemination and exploitation report
The documents will contain reports on interim and final dissemination and exploitation as steady activity throughout project duration. All partners organize dissemination events in their own contexts which follow the project goals.
6.4. Final Conference Proceedings
Organizing a final conference with the aim of demonstrating the overarching achievements of the project and the complexity of project work having been carried out, with a special emphasis on the main aim of the project i.e. the development of PT and SCHE programs in higher education of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the conference is to evaluate project and sustainability of project results. Associated partners will also participate at the conference.
7. Quality Assurance and Monitoring
The quality control and monitoring process will be performed following the conditions and requirements of the project, especially relying on the experience of EU partners that have successfully implemented PT and SCHE programs and already involved in Erasmus+ project CWIHE. The quality control and monitoring consists of 3 activities planned for the entire duration of the project, which will deliver the final outcome of the work package. The purpose of these activities is:
- Development of quality and assessment plan
- Internal project monitoring and control
- Report on external evaluation
During the course of the project, quality control will be carried out according to developed quality and assessment plan. Quality control of the project will be done through a series of evaluation meetings, especially through a series of Local Committee meetings; all organized and linked to other project events, for the reasons of cost-effectiveness. At these meetings the project directions can be discussed, and eventual corrections can be initiated. The kick-off meeting at the beginning of the project will assure that all project members will have the same notions about the quality assurance process. All partners will generate and submit internal reports about performed quality control activities in PARTISH project. They will be in contact with each other and resolve problems about reaching of milestones. All internal reports will be submitted to Steering Committee, which will generate and submit final report about quality. By public call two external experts will be chosen to evaluate the outputs of the PARTISH project and to write the report.
7.1. Plan for project quality control
The goal of this activity is to develop the quality control and assessment plan. This plan will include project processes, policies, goals and creation of Management Quality Manual and metrics for PT and SCHE according to the practices and experiences of the successful projects. This material will contain the list of measurable indicators about the quality project activities and results. Project partners will be acquainted with the project quality standards. Manual will define the following: quality of the project implementation, quality of project deliverables, quality of projects events, quality of promotional materials, quality of website, quality feedback by the target groups, project risk management, external monitoring, metrics for project goal conversions and its strategy for succession, hierarchy of project responsibility, communication flows and decision making, PR strategy and communication with external environment, and project processes and partners’ technical and financial reporting.
Plan for project quality control
7.2. Internal project control and monitoring report
Project evaluation report is an executive summary of quality assurance throughout the project that includes preventive and corrective measures taken in order to achieve project goals. According to the internal monitoring and quality control, the project management team, if necessary, will take measures to improve the quality of the project realization.
Main tasks that will be performed within this activity are:
- Project key performance indicator evaluation
- Project goal success rate evaluation
- Partner evaluation through internal interviews
- Reporting
Deliverable of this activity will be a quality assurance report.
7.3. External evaluation
External evaluation will be conducted by two experts from the outside of consortium. They will be engaged in order to evaluate the quality of the developed generic and specific dual models and legal framework. Two partners will publish the public call for two experts in the field of dual education. Two experts will have two months to evaluate the project deliverables and to write the report on external evaluation. The report will be publicly available on website of the project. On the basis of the report, consortium will correct the deliverables if necessary.
8. Project management
University of Novi Sad (UNS), as project coordinator, will perform the planning, organization, coordination and control functions to ensure effective implementation of the project. UNS will establish and strengthen functional connections with all partner institutions and support them in achieving their goals and achieving planned project tasks. At the beginning of the project, all project partners will attend a kick-off meeting to ensure that all partners have the same understanding of the project management principles and tasks to be performed. The kick-off meeting will take place in East Sarajevo. Partner institutions and members of project management will communicate on daily basis via e-mail, phone, Skype, etc. During the period of the project, beside kick-off meeting, 6 coordination meetings will be organized (once every six months) for discussing issues that arise during the project and coordination of the following project activities. Estimated duration of these meetings is 2-4 days.
In the case of partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Local Committee (LC) will be organized for implementation of project activities and reporting on the overall project management to the Steering Committee (SC). LC will be responsible for the project implementation at national level and the preparation of 2 annual reports to the SC. LC will meet twice a year.
One person will be selected from each partner institution, who will be responsible for the visibility of project activities, i.e. activities related to public relations and promotion of the project activities at the national / institutional level.
Representatives of national educational institutions will be regularly informed and kept informed of progress in the project but will not be directly involved in the LC.
This work package consists of 4 complex activities for entire duration of the project, which will deliver the final outcome of the work package. The purpose of these activities are: Organization of project coordination meetings; Coordination of overall project activities and in working packages monitored by Steering Committee; Local project management; Conducting monitoring and financial auditing with interim and final reporting.
8.1. Efficient overall project management
Coordination of overall project activities and work packages will be done by the Steering Committee (SC). SC will be responsible for continual project management, providing major channels for communication, interaction and monitoring of partners. SC will provide input into strategic and organizational issues and define the project standards and agree on all project policies that must be formally and explicitly stated. Tasks assigned to consortium partners will become contractual obligations. Besides, the responsibilities of the SC will be to: (1) Review project progress and control the activities; (2) Ensure that the project maintains its relevance; (3) Be aware of relevant activities in other projects; (4) Resolve any technical administrative or contractual issues, which have not been resolved by other means within the project; (5) Be the overall quality manager of the project. Decisions will be taken on a consensual basis, and in case of disagreement, the SC will make the final decision.
8.2. Efficient local project management
The Local Committee (LC) will be formed by partner institutions in BIH. LC will be responsible for implementation of project activities and reporting to the overall project management. Two annual reports will be preparation by LC. LC will be responsible for the implementation of local institutions (participants), preparation of an action plan at the national / local level and a clear allocation of responsibilities for tasks and results of the project to local partners. The continual local project management structure will ensure regular communication with the project coordinator and their involvement in the project activities. Coordination between the SC and LC will be conducted in English, and within the LC on the Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian.
8.3. Interim Report (IR) and Final Report (FR)
Each partner institution will assign one person (project manager / financial manager) who will be responsible for monitoring work activities and financial implementation, as well as preparation of Interim Report and Final Report. Interim Report (IR) will be submitted halfway through the project period. IR will include information on the implemented project activities, achieved planned results, used resources, as well as possible changes to those plans and diversion of resources to the remaining duration of the project. Upon completion of the project, Final Report (FR) will be submitted with the final results of the project, information and report on used financial resources and funds spent, the contribution of each participant in the project and suggestions for further development in order to achieve sustainability of the project results.