Ministry for Education, Science and Youth of Canton Sarajevo is in charge of administrative activities as well as other activities relating to the following: preschool education, elementary education, secondary education and high education in the Canton Sarajevo; curriculum; textbooks; educational standards; development of the educational system; continuous education as well as additional training of preschool and school teachers; carrying about student standard; professional and pedagogical control; establishment of educational institutions and control of their compliance with the laws; providing financial and material conditions for educational work; qualifying children, youth and adults for acquiring different skills and knowledge, and implementing other activities in its domain.
The Ministry has the following organizational units: Sector for pre-school, primary education and inclusive education, Sector form Secondary Education and Adult Education Division, Sector for Higher Education, Science and Youth Sector, Sector for Informatization, International cooperation and European integration, Sector for Economic Affairs, Transport and Education Sector and Educational and Pedagogical Institute.
Ministry for Education, Science and Youth of Canton Sarajevo performs administrative and professional tasks established by the Constitution, law and other regulations in the educational system, as follows: development of curriculum for higher educational programmes in the Canton Sarajevo, providing financial and material conditions for work, continuous education and additional training of teachers, accommodation, food and other issues related to student standard, controlling and having insight in high educational programmes.
The Ministry also carries out: scientific-research activities and information communication activities; development of scientific works as well as achievements in certain areas, coordination of the financing program of constant research activity and contractual projects for the purpose or realization of the scientific-research programs and scientific programs of special interest; planning, coordination and implementation of IT development and its interconnection into an integral IT system of the Canton Sarajevo; giving guidelines for technological and pedagogical approaches; monitoring and realization of scientific, technical and technological cooperation with foreign countries therefore with international organizations according to international agreements.